Tension Headaches

Have you ever felt like there was a tight band putting pressure on your head? If you've experienced these symptoms, you may be dealing with a common type of headache known as a tension headache. At Bolz Chiropractic in Topeka, we'll treat issues that cause your headaches, reducing the frequency of headache and migraine symptoms. Work with us to get the relief you need!


What Causes Tension Headaches?

There's not a single factor that causes tension headaches, but experts believe these headaches occur when the muscles in the neck and head are tense. While muscle tension is often associated with stress, many other activities can also leave you with tight neck muscles, including sleeping in an unusual position or working at a desk.

Tension headaches can occur on their own, but they may also occur alongside other conditions, such as a migraine. People of all ages struggle with these headaches, but they're most likely to occur in teens and adults. Some potential causes of headaches include:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Exposure to cold
  • Eye strain
  • Grinding teeth
  • Overexertion
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Poor posture
  • Hunger

How a Chiropractor Treats Tension Headaches

Your neck contains many critical muscles, which is why the health of your neck can affect your entire body. If your neck muscles are tense, or if your neck is misaligned, you may be experiencing tension headaches or other adverse symptoms. A chiropractor can examine your neck and the rest of your spine to identify issues that could be triggering headaches.

Not only can tense neck muscles cause headaches, but they can also cause other painful symptoms. For example, misaligned joints or tight muscles could irritate the nerves in your neck, causing numbness, tingling, and pain. When you're in pain, your body is sending you a sign that something is wrong. Chiropractors can address the issues causing you pain, bringing you lasting relief.

Chiropractic Care for Tension Headaches

Chiropractic care is an effective way to treat weak neck muscles, misaligned joints, and other issues that can cause headaches and pain throughout the body. While you may still experience the occasional headache, your symptoms will be less severe and less frequent. Instead of masking your headache symptoms, see a chiropractor that can restore balance to your body and improve your overall health.

Get Tension Headache Treatment in Topeka, KS

Whether you're dealing with a standard tension headache or a migraine, head and neck pain can cause extreme discomfort. At Bolz Chiropractic, we'll find the best way to treat your headaches and help you manage your symptoms. Don't try to ignore your head pain, call us today at (785) 272-2090 to schedule an appointment.

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